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4407 North Beltwood Parkway
Dallas, TX, 75244
United States


Sweeney Earth Sciences, PLLC provides geotechnical and geoscience consulting expertise to help assess and reduce risk associated with soil-structure interaction at planned residential lots prior to construction.  In particular, SES offers a comprehensive risk management consulting program, which involves the identification, evaluation, and the mitigation of risk. 

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Sean P. Sweeney, P.E., MBA

Sean P. Sweeney, P.E., MBA is a licensed professional engineer in Texas and Mississippi. He brings over 20 years of practical experience in geotechnical engineering, soil-structure interaction and geo-risk assessment and mitigation. Sweeney earned a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington, Certificate in Project Management and an MBA from the University of Texas at Dallas and inducted into Beta Gamma Sigma International Honor Society. He is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and Texas Board of Professional Engineers.

Jim Thompson, S.E.T.

Jim Thompson brings 30 years of experience and leadership in Quality Control/Quality Assurance Testing and Inspection of commercial, residential and transportation construction to Sweeney Earth Sciences. Thompson leads the Construction Materials Testing and QC/QA services division. He is an active member of the American Society of Certified Engineering Technicians, ASTM Technical Committee member and American Concrete Institute.


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