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4407 North Beltwood Parkway
Dallas, TX, 75244
United States


Sweeney Earth Sciences, PLLC provides geotechnical and geoscience consulting expertise to help assess and reduce risk associated with soil-structure interaction at planned residential lots prior to construction.  In particular, SES offers a comprehensive risk management consulting program, which involves the identification, evaluation, and the mitigation of risk. 

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Sweeney Earth Sciences is a licensed professional engineering firm specializing in geotechnical engineering using state-of-the-art geo-services to assess and mitigate risk at construction sites.   Based and licensed in the state of Texas, Sweeney Earth Sciences works daily with the complicated issues surrounding Texas’ expansive clay soils.   Sweeney Earth Sciences provides Construction Materials Testing services with in-house laboratory equipment and highly qualified technicians dedicated to quality, accuracy and responsive client services.   All testing equipment is monitored for strict quality assurance and calibration.  Sweeney Earth Sciences utilizes industry specific software and cloud technology to deliver timely and cost efficient reporting.

 Sweeney Earth Sciences is proud to be part of the Texas MBE/WBE, HUB program and is available to consult and participate as part of a multi-discipline team.   Our principal is licensed in the state of Texas and Mississippi with more than 20 years professional engineering experience.