4407 North Beltwood Parkway, Suite 101
Dallas, Texas 75244
T: 972-679-2238
E: info@sweeneyearthsciences.com
Mailing Address
1900 Preston Road Ste. 267-294
Plano, Texas 75093
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4407 North Beltwood Parkway
Dallas, TX, 75244
United States
Sweeney Earth Sciences, PLLC provides geotechnical and geoscience consulting expertise to help assess and reduce risk associated with soil-structure interaction at planned residential lots prior to construction. In particular, SES offers a comprehensive risk management consulting program, which involves the identification, evaluation, and the mitigation of risk.
4407 North Beltwood Parkway, Suite 101
Dallas, Texas 75244
T: 972-679-2238
E: info@sweeneyearthsciences.com
1900 Preston Road Ste. 267-294
Plano, Texas 75093